A lock interface is connected to an access controller.

  1. From the sidebar, select Devices.
  2. Select actions menu on the access controller to which the lock interface is connected.
  3. Select Add a Lock Interface.
  4. On the Configure screen, enter a Name for the lock interface.
  5. Choose the Device Type.
  6. For "Schlage ENGAGE Gateway" and "PIM400 Gateway" devices:
    1. Select the Address. This is the RSI-485 address of the ENGAGE gateway. It should match the address used when the gateway was commissioned.
    2. Enter the Low door address and High door address. The “low door” and “high door” range allocates the allowed address range of the locks that are linked to this gateway.
    3. Make sure the addresses are set properly. See ENGAGE Gateway and lock addressing or PIM400 Gateway and lock addressing for details on how lock addressing works.
  7. Select Save to save the configuration. If you exit this screen after entering the information without saving, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes.

After the lock interface is added, the device tree will show the first lock that needs to be configured for it.

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