If there are multiple people that need to be added to the system along with their credentials, people group assignments, and photos, a bulk import can be done. The import of mobile credentials is not supported. Up to 2000 people can be added to the system through a bulk import. The maximum .ZIP file size is 500 MB.
Importing can only be performed by people with administrator permissions. (See Roles.)
A .CSV file containing the data or a .ZIP file containing the photos and data may be uploaded to the system. A specific template must be used. If needed, download the template under People Import.
- First name and last name are required.
- Multiple Badge IDs and people groups can be imported by separating them with a comma.
- To assign a PIN, at least one badge ID is required.
- To enable extended access, enter "Yes", "Y", "True", or "T". Otherwise, this field will be considered "False" and extended access will be disabled.
- If a person's badge ID in the import file is assigned to another person already in the system, the person will not be imported at all, even if they had other badges.
- If two or more people in the import file have the same badge ID, they will not be imported.
- If the people group name does not exist, the system will create a people group with that name and assign the imported people. If the import fails, the people group will not be created.
- When using a .ZIP file to import people and their photos, only one .CSV file may be included. If there is more than one .CSV file in the .ZIP file, the import will fail.
- The relative path name (<path>/<filename>.<extension>) of the photo image file must be specified for the person in the .CSV file. This is case-sensitive. Ensure that the path name is exact so that it is properly processed.
- The person will not be imported if their photo import fails.
- The template supports a column for Person ID.
- The template supports a column for the person's active or inactive status.
Custom Fields
If there are custom person fields defined, the .CSV template includes the specific fields. The Photo column is used with the .ZIP file and will be ignored when using only the .CSV file. For .ZIP files, the .CSV file should be replaced for the upload.
- All field identifiers for the custom field are included in the template as columns.
- If field is required, it is indicated by "Required field" in the cell for each row.
- If field is not required, it is indicated by "Optional field" in the cell for each row.
Import People
- From the sidebar, select Configuration, then System Options.
- Download the .ZIP or .CSV template to format the data properly if needed.
- Under People Import, select Start Import.
- Choose the file to be uploaded. Multiple files may be uploaded, but only one job will be processed at a time.
Once the file is uploaded, the import will start. The current status will be indicated under Job Status.
To undo the import, select the import job and then select Undo Import. Undo of the entire import is available for 48 hours.
Job Status
The system will queue jobs so that only one import or undo job occurs at a time. The details for each job is shown:
- In Progress - The file is currently being imported.
- Queued - If a file is uploaded while a job is currently in progress, it will be placed in a queue until the current job is done.
- Completed - The import of the file is done.
After importing, a report is available for download, including successes and failures from the import job. To view the imports, select Job Status. The Job Status screen lists the current state of the imports. To view the full report for an import, select the import and then Download Summary. The summary file will be updated with a new status column for each record. On successful imports, a person ID column will be added. To view only the failed imports, select Download Errors on the Import People details screen.
Training video: Bulk Import People
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