Configure the BlueDiamond reader with OSDP using configuration cards. Begin using the cards within 60 seconds of the reader powering up, or within 60 seconds of presenting the BDC-UNLOCK configuration card. Each subsequent configuration card presented extends the allowable configuration time window by another 60 seconds. If 60 seconds passes, present the BDC-UNLOCK configuration card again.
Use the BDC-UNLOCK configuration card to switch the BlueDiamond reader into configuration mode for 60 seconds. The reader confirms the BDC-UNLOCK card with a multi-tone sound. Present any BlueDiamond configuration card to the reader after using the BDC-UNLOCK card.
Use the BDC-CSN configuration card to set the BlueDiamond reader configuration:
- Wiegand output
- Tamper enabled
- Tone-on keypad
- Tone-on card
- Wiegand LED and buzzer behavior
In this configuration, the BlueDiamond reader accepts the following credentials:
Credential | Output |
BlueDiamond Mobile | Encoded Wiegand payload |
MIFARE Classic | 32 bit CSN |
HID iCLASS | 64 bit CSN converted to 5502 Wiegand format |
HID Prox | Encoded Wiegand payload |
GE ProxLite | 4002 Wiegand format |
AWID Prox | Encoded Wiegand payload |
Use the BDC-DESFIRE configuration card to set the following BlueDiamond reader configurations:
- Wiegand output
- Tamper enabled
- Tone-on keypad
- Tone-on card
- Wiegand LED and buzzer behavior
In this configuration, the BlueDiamond reader accepts the following credentials:
Credential | Output |
BlueDiamond Mobile | Encoded Wiegand payload |
BlueDiamond DESFire | Encoded Wiegand payload |
HID iCLASS | Encoded Wiegand payload |
HID Prox | Encoded Wiegand payload |
GE ProxLite | 4002 Wiegand format |
AWID Prox | Encoded Wiegand payload |
Use the BDC-UID configuration card to change the smart card serial number configuration in the reader output. Each time you present this card, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones.
- 1 beep - Pass-through (Big Endian)
- 2 beeps - 32 Bit (Big Endian)
- 3 beeps - Pass-through (Little Endian)
- 4 beeps - 32 Bit (Little Endian)
- 5 beeps - MIFARE 4byte/DESFire 7byte 4002
1 Beep = Pass-through (Big Endian)
Credential | Output |
MIFARE Classic | 32 bit CSN Big Endian |
MIFARE DESFIRE | 56 bit CSN Big Endian |
HID iCLASS | iCLASS CSN converted to 5502 Wiegand |
2 Beeps = 32 bit (Big Endian)
Credential | Output |
MIFARE Classic | 32 bit CSN Big Endian |
MIFARE DESFIRE | DESFire CSN truncated to 32 bit Big Endian |
HID iCLASS | iCLASS CSN Truncated to 32 bit Big Endian |
3 Beeps = Pass-through (Little Endian)
Credential | Output |
MIFARE Classic | 32 bit CSN Little Endian |
MIFARE DESFIRE | 56 bit CSN Little Endian |
HID iCLASS | iCLASS CSN converted to 5502 Wiegand |
4 Beeps = 32 bit (Little Endian)
Credential | Output |
MIFARE Classic | 32 bit CSN Little Endian |
MIFARE DESFIRE | DESFire CSN truncated to 32 bit Little Endian |
HID iCLASS | iCLASS CSN truncated to 32 bit Little Endian |
5 Beeps = MIFARE 4byte/DESFire 7byte - 4002
Credential | Output |
MIFARE Classic | 32 bit CSN converted 4002 Wiegand |
MIFARE DESFIRE | DESFire CSN converted to 4002 Wiegand |
HID iCLASS | iCLASS CSN converted to 5502 Wiegand |
Use the BDC-RADIO configuration card to configure the BlueDiamond reader to ignore High Frequency (smart cards) or Low Frequency (Prox. cards) cards. Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 1 beep - 13.56MHz and 125KHz are active
- 2 beeps - Only 13.56MHz is active
- 3 beeps - Only 125KHz is active
- 4 beeps - Neither radio is active
Use the BDC-TONE configuration card to set the reader default tone behavior. Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 1 beep - reader does not beep when a credential is presented
- 2 beeps - reader beeps when a credential is presented
This configuration is applicable to the readers communicating over Wiegand.
Use the BDC-LED configuration card to set the color and pulsing activity for the idle reader LED behavior. Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 1 beep - Solid blue
- 2 beeps - Pulsing blue
- 3 beeps - Solid red
- 4 beeps - Pulsing red
This configuration is applicable to the readers communicating over Wiegand. The LED idle behavior happens during off periods when the LED is not controlled by RED or GREEN reader pins. For instance, when the LED is blinking RED/OFF/RED/OFF, you can change it to RED/BLUE/RED/BLUE.
Use the BDC-OSDPSEC card to reset OSDP Secure Channel Key and prepare for pairing with the OSDP panel in Secure Channel Mode. Use this card to take the reader out of OSDP Secure Channel mode and into standard OSDP while preserving the rest of the reader configuration.
Use the BDC-OSDPADD card to set the OSDP address and configure communications with OSDP Panel. Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 1 beep - OSDP Address 0
- 2 beeps - OSDP Address 1
- 3 beeps - OSDP Address 2
- 4 beeps - OSDP Address 3
Use the BDC-OSDPBAUD card to set the OSDP baud rate to configure communication with OSDP Panel. Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 1 beep - 9600 baud
- 2 beeps - 19200 baud
- 3 beeps - 38400 baud
- 4 beeps - 115200 baud
Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 3 beeps - Standard Wiegand
Use this option when you want to switch the reader in BDC-TREADER configuration to a BDC-CSN configuration and change the wiring to D0/D1.
Use the BDC-BLUETOOTH card to switch the Bluetooth radio on and off. Each time this card is presented, the reader indicates the current configuration using a number of short tones:
- 1 beep - Bluetooth radio disabled
- 2 beeps - Bluetooth radio enabled
The BDC-TREADER configuration card is used to emulate a "T-Reader" or "Transition Series" reader where it will enable reader with a 2-State Supervised F/2F output and enable the reader to read the card serial numbers for high frequency smart cards.
The BDC-WALLET comes complete with all configuration cards.
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