Login access can be enabled for users who manage the system.

  1. Select the user to open their details screen.
  2. Select Login Access toggle switch (off) to enable this option and display the Add Login Access screen.
  3. Enter an email address so the system can send an invitation email with a sign-up link for the user account. To save the new email address, select Save this email for this person's record.
  4. Select Add.
  5. Select SaveAfter the login access information is saved, the invitation is emailed and Login Access toggle switch (on) is enabled in a pending state with the number of days before the invitation expires. The user has five days to register.
  6. If the user no longer needs to log in or respond to invitations, select toggle switch (on) and then Remove to confirm removing the user account. Login Access toggle switch (off) will be disabled.

Users cannot disable login access on their own account.

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