A lock interface is connected to an access controller.

The lock interface is connected to the access controller either via the RS-485 downstream port (AH30 Gen 5 or AH30 Gen 1 to 4) or via a Network connection (AH40).
For the AH40 network-based hub, both the AH40 hub and the controller must be configured and communicating on the same network.

Prerequisite: The configuration information entered into the Aperio IP Hub via the Aperio Programming Application must also be provided in Elements via the controller configuration. This allows the controller to communicate with the hub.

  1. From the sidebar, select Devices.
  2. Select the access controller to which the Aperio IP Hub will communicate. 

    AH40 and AH30 Gen 5 hubs are only supported on LNL-X and LNL-M series controllers with 2.010 firmware.
    AH30 Gen 1-4 hubs are supported on the LNL-series and LNL-X controllers.

  3. Select actions menu on the access controller and then choose Add a Lock Interface.
  4. On the Configure screen, enter a Name for the lock interface.  
  5. Choose "Aperio AH40 Hub", "Aperio AH30 Gen 1-4 Hub" or "Aperio AH30 Gen 5 Hub" as the Device type.
  6. For the AH30 hubs:
    1. Choose the Port on the access controller to which the hub is connected.
    2. Enter the Address. This is the RS-485 address of the hub.
  7. For the AH40 hub, configure the settings the hub uses to communicate with the controller:
    1. Use TLS Encryption is toggle switch (on)enabled by default. This enables TLS encryption between the access controller and the hub. This should match what was set in the Aperio® Programming Application. Select toggle switch (on) to disable toggle switch (off) this option. 


      Make sure to follow the instructions for the TLS Encryption Setup on the Configuration Web Page.

    2. Enter the IP Address of the IP hub. Make sure the access controller is programmed with the same IP address.
    3. Enter the Remote Controller Port number from the configuration page in the Aperio® Programming Application. This port specifies the network addressing mode
  8. Select Save to save the configuration. If you exit this screen after entering the information without saving, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes.
  9. The controller may need to be synchronized after adding the hubs.

After the lock interface is added, the device tree will show the first lock that needs to be configured for the hub.

The controller may need to be synchronized after adding the first lock interface to the controller.

TLS Encryption Setup on the Configuration Web Page

When using an AH40 IP Aperio hub and communicating using TLS, the hub may be offline due to a certificate mismatch. To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the hub using the IP address of the access controller.
  2. Click the link to go to the login page. The factory default does not have a security certificate. Depending on the browser and security settings, a certificate error may be displayed. Continue anyway.

  3. Log in using the user name and password. The Home page is displayed.
  4. On the controller's configuration web page, select Certificate Manager.
  5. Generate a new certificate for Aperio use. The values entered during creation of the certificate do not impact functionality however, aside from the password field, do not leave entries blank. Ensure the password field is empty / blank.
  6. Set the certificate to expire at the maximum allowed value.
  7. Apply Settings and Reboot controller.
    This concludes the steps required on the controller web page.
  8. On the Aperio Programming Application > Security Mode Setting screen, set the hub to Manufacturer Mode - only in this mode will the hub accept a new certificate. 
  9. The hub should then be able to come online and communicate to the controller.
  10. On the Aperio Programming Application > Security Mode Setting screen, set the hub to Customer Mode - this prevents the hub from accepting any new certificates.
  11. Now you can use the Aperio Programming Application and select the Enable TLS option for the hub.
  12. Once the setting is saved in the communication hub, you must go to Elements and ensure the Use TLS option is also enabled for the Aperio AH40 Hub configuration.

Controller synchronization may be required after enabling TLS for the communication hub for the first time.

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