Product Updates 2024-11-08

  • Double card presentation added for LenelS2 node readers: Configure when double carding is allowed at the node readers.
  • Person active/inactive status:
    • Change a person's status to inactive to easily revoke access.
    • People who are marked inactive may not use credentials to gain access to the facility.
    • People who are marked inactive may not sign in to the system.
  • Video clip storage: If additional storage is required, the the default limit of 15 days can be upgraded on the Marketplace page.
  • SCIM integration: System for Cross-domain Identity Management provisioning is an open standard which is widely used to simplify the process of granting individuals access to cloud-based systems, removing the need of any additional services or middleware between systems.

Product Updates 2024-08-30

  • Cisco Meraki: Integrate with Cisco Meraki to add cameras and facilitate video monitoring in Elements.
  • Locked door override: Configure authorized access to locked down readers and Schlage locks for people such as first responders. This allows them to enter your facility during a lockdown or key personnel to access any part of the facility as needed.
    • Configure readers and locks to allow authorized access to locked doors.
    • Configure authorized access to locked doors for members of a people group.
    • Assign people to spaces with readers and locks that allow authorized access to unlock doors.
  • Badge design & printing: Elements can be integrated with the idProducer browser-based interface to design ID badges and manage badge printing in Elements. An unlimited number of badge printers across an unlimited number of locations is supported.

Product Updates 2024-06-28

  • DNS name for gateway: Optionally enable a DNS name for a gateway so that it can be used when configuring the LenelS2 Network Node or MicroNode Plus in the system.
  • New filtering options for people:
    • Filter to show people belonging to certain people groups and what they can access.
    • Filter to show people who can access certain spaces.
  • Automations:
    • Execute actions when specific events occur.
    • Automations will replace cloud actions. Previously configured cloud actions will be migrated to automations.
    • Configure actions with webhooks so that Elements can interact with third-party systems. Free tier, rate limited to one call per second.

Product Updates 2024-05-28

  • Custom person fields:
    • Define custom text fields to be able to enter additional information for people.
    • Perform more robust searches with custom fields.
    • Export .CSV or Excel (.XLSX) people reports that include custom fields.
  • Video data: The limit has been updated to 1 GB of video data for each camera configured in the system.
  • Documentation: Added Networking Considerations for Video.
  • People API:

    • Provides API access to create, retrieve, and modify people and credentials.
    • Free tier, rate limited to two calls per second.
  • Email notifications: The limit for email notifications has been updated to include 500 free emails per month.

Product Updates 2024-03-22

  • Local device time: Enable the local device time to be displayed for events and reports.
  • Milestone video: Integrate with Milestone video management system through a gateway to facilitate video monitoring in Elements.
  • More lock support: Add Schlage PIM400 AD-400 wireless locks to LNL-series access controllers.
    • Up to eight (8) PIM400 lock interfaces are supported on a downstream port with a maximum of 16 wireless locks per PIM400.
    • Up to 64 AD-400 wireless locks are supported across an LNL-X3300, LNL-3300, LNL-X4420, or LNL-4420 controller.
    • One (1) PIM400 can be connected to an LNL-X2210 or LNL-2210, providing support for up to 16 AD-400 wireless locks.

Product Updates 2024-02-02

  • Dashboard:
    • The dashboard now displays charts of the numbers and statuses of events, people, spaces, and devices existing in the system, making it easier to track activity and trends.
    • The system status and warnings is displayed above the charts.
  • Custom fields:
    • Create custom text fields to be able to enter additional customer information.
    • Include custom fields in the billing summary.
    • Custom fields may be required to ensure that the information is filled in.
  • Billing contacts: Add email addresses to receive automated billing reports.
  • Credential expiration dates:
    • Optionally enable credential expiration in System Options.
    • Add or remove credential expiration dates and change credential status from the new Credential screen.
  • People reporting: Export people reports to PDF and Excel (.XLSX) formats.
  • Paired readers: Configure LNL-series and LenelS2 Node readers as paired readers for two-reader doors.

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