Here are examples and visual aids of a time interval that is scheduled to cross midnight. 

Example 1

The interval starts on the first day of the schedule, and runs into the next day until the end time for that interval with no holiday interruptions.

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM


Example of schedule in use:

  • Employees badge in for their evening shift on Wednesday at 8:00 PM and badge out on Thursday morning at 4:00 AM.

Visualization: The clock icon indicates intervals when the schedule runs. Note that the icons cross days.

Example shown:

Monday's shift starts at 8:00 PM and ends Tuesday at 4:00 AM. The last shift of the week starts on Friday at 8:00 PM and ends Saturday at 4:00 AM.

Example 2

When a holiday occurs, the scheduled interval for the previous day ends normally even if it ends on a holiday. The scheduled interval starting on that holiday will not run.

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM


Example of schedule in use:

  • Employees badge in for their evening shift on Tuesday at 8:00 PM and badge out on Wednesday morning at 4:00 AM.
  • Wednesday is a holiday. Employees do not badge in for their evening shift on Wednesday at 8PM. They cannot badge in again till Thursday when the schedule returns to normal.

Visualization: The clock icon indicates intervals when the schedule runs. Wednesday is shown as a holiday (denoted by a red calendar icon) and the schedule will not run at 8 PM (denoted by the red strike icon).

Example shown:

On a holiday, the previous day's interval finishes normally as it crosses into the holiday (Wednesday at 4:00 AM). The shift that starts on a holiday, however, will not start. The following interval will start at its normally scheduled time on Thursday.

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