Here are examples and visual aids of a time interval that is scheduled to cross midnight.
Example 1The interval starts on the first day of the schedule, and runs into the next day until the end time for that interval with no holiday interruptions. | |
Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM
Example of schedule in use:
| Visualization: The clock icon indicates intervals when the schedule runs. Note that the icons cross days. Example shown: Monday's shift starts at 8:00 PM and ends Tuesday at 4:00 AM. The last shift of the week starts on Friday at 8:00 PM and ends Saturday at 4:00 AM. |
Example 2When a holiday occurs, the scheduled interval for the previous day ends normally even if it ends on a holiday. The scheduled interval starting on that holiday will not run. | |
Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM
Example of schedule in use:
| Visualization: The clock icon indicates intervals when the schedule runs. Wednesday is shown as a holiday (denoted by a red calendar icon) and the schedule will not run at 8 PM (denoted by the red strike icon). Example shown: On a holiday, the previous day's interval finishes normally as it crosses into the holiday (Wednesday at 4:00 AM). The shift that starts on a holiday, however, will not start. The following interval will start at its normally scheduled time on Thursday. |
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