To allow other systems to access this system, generate a key. 

Each customer security system may only have one key. Once it is created, it cannot be changed. If a key needs to be changed, it should be deleted and a new key can be generated when needed.

If you make externally managed people editable after deleting a key, and then integrate this security system with that same external system again, this may cause the addition of duplicate people.

  1. On the Marketplace page, under OnGuard Connector, select Manage.
  2. Under Elements OnGuard Connector, select Generate.
  3. Enter the Key Name. This is the name used to refer to the security system in connected external systems and will be used in audit records to indicate the source of changes to the Elements system.
  4. Select Generate. An API key is generated and it may be copied to the clipboard to be pasted when configuring the system.

Continue the configuration in OnGuard. 

For the systems to be connected, the key must be valid in Elements and properly configured in OnGuard. 

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