1. From the sidebar, select Spaces.
  2. Select the space. On the space details screen, the Access Control section displays the option to add people that will have access to this space if none have been assigned to the space yet. Otherwise, it displays the number of people currently assigned to the space.
  3. Select Add People to assign people to the space. People can be assigned individually, or they can all be assigned at once.

    A maximum of 30 access assignments (people groups + spaces) is allowed per credential.

    1. On the Assign People screen, choose individual people by selecting their checkbox. For large people lists, select Load More People at the bottom of the list to view more people.
    2. Select Done.
  4. If people were already assigned to this space, select the People counter .
    1. The Assigned People lists people currently assigned to this space. Select Add to assign more people. 
    2. On the Assign People screen, choose individual people by selecting their checkbox. 
    3. To search for people, begin typing a name in search field to locate people with matching names.
    4. Select Done.
  5. If everyone needs access to the space, on the Assign People screen,
    1. Select actions menu.
    2. Select Assign all people.
      • If this is a new space, all people can be assigned. 
      • If this is an existing space that is being edited, all people can be assigned. Then individual selections can be made to remove people from the Assign People list.
    3. A message is displayed to confirm the assignment. Upon confirmation, the assignment will be effective immediately. 

  6. Select Save to save your changes. If you exit this screen after the people assignments are made without saving, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes

Alternatively, people may be assigned to a space on the People screen.

  1. From the sidebar, select People. The People list is displayed.
  2. Select the person to open their details screen.
  3. Under Spaces on the person details screen, select Add Spaces to add spaces.
  4. On the Spaces screen, select individual spaces for assignment.
  5. Select Add.
  6. On the person details screen, select Save to save the space assignments. If you exit this screen after the space assignments are made without saving, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes.

Related Topics

Configure a space

Add or edit a person

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