For users who can log in to the system, assigning roles determines the level of permissions that users have. The following roles are available:


The administrator role has all permissions in the system enabled.

This role can:

  • View people
  • Manage people
  • Manage credentials
  • View spaces
  • Manage spaces
  • View people groups
  • Manage people groups
  • View devices
  • Manage devices
  • Configure devices
  • Configure lockdown profiles
  • Start and end lockdowns
  • Run device commands
  • Monitor events
  • View live video
  • View recorded video
  • Export video
  • Manage email notifications
  • Manage system configuration
  • Manage audit reports
  • Manage reports


The operator role is primarily for managing the facility. Operators can view personally identifiable information.

This role can:

  • View people
  • Manage people
  • Manage credentials
  • View spaces
  • Manage spaces
  • View people groups
  • Manage people groups
  • View devices
  • Manage devices
  • Configure devices
  • Start and end lockdowns
  • Run device commands
  • Monitor events
  • View live video
  • View recorded video
  • Export video

This role cannot:

  • Configure lockdown profiles
  • Manage email notifications
  • Manage system configuration
  • Manage audit reports
  • Manage reports


The monitor role is primarily for overseeing the security of the facility. Monitors can view personally identifiable information.

This role can:

  • View people
  • View spaces
  • View people groups
  • View devices
  • Start and end lockdowns
  • Run device commands
  • Monitor events
  • View live video

This role cannot:

  • Manage people
  • Manage credentials
  • Manage spaces
  • Manage people groups
  • Manage devices
  • Configure devices
  • Configure lockdown profiles
  • View recorded video
  • Export video
  • Manage email notifications
  • Manage system configuration
  • Manage audit reports
  • Manage reports


The installer role is primarily for technicians setting up the hardware and the system. Installers cannot view personally identifiable information.

This role can:

  • View spaces
  • View devices
  • View people groups
  • Manage devices
  • Configure devices
  • Start and end lockdowns
  • Run device commands
  • Monitor events
  • View live video

This role cannot:

  • View people
  • Manage people
  • Manage credentials
  • Manage spaces
  • Manage people groups
  • Configure lockdown profiles
  • View recorded video
  • Export video
  • Manage email notifications
  • Manage system configuration
  • Manage audit reports
  • Manage reports


The auditor role is primarily for viewing and running audit reports.  Auditors cannot view personally identifiable information. 

This role can:

  • Manage audit reports

This role cannot:

  • View people
  • Manage people
  • Manage credentials
  • View spaces
  • Manage spaces
  • View people groups
  • Manage people groups
  • View devices
  • Manage devices
  • Configure devices
  • Configure lockdown profiles
  • Start and end lockdowns
  • Run device commands
  • Monitor events
  • View live video
  • View recorded video
  • Export video
  • Manage email notifications
  • Manage system configuration
  • Manage reports

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