Issue credentials to people so that they can use the credentials to interact with readers to gain access to spaces.

The ability to issue or modify credentials is controlled by the manage credentials permission. See Roles for more information.

  1. Select the person to open their details screen.
  2. Under Credentials, select Add a Credential, and then choose Mobile or Badge.

  3. For mobile credentials:
    1. Choose the Mobile Type from the drop-down.
      1. If Switch Tech is enabled, choose "Switch Tech" for people that need to interact with Switch Tech locks.
      2. If this person needs to provision Switch Tech locks, select toggle switch (off) to enable toggle switch (on) Administrator Privilege.
    2. Enter the email address of the person. To save the new email address, select Save this email for this person's record.
    3. Select Add. When the person is saved with a new mobile credential added, a request is sent to issue a mobile credential. The action bar shows the status. During "Loading," the credential request is sent. "Saved" indicates the request was received and a credential was issued. If "Error" appears, the system was not able to respond to the request.
    • For badges:

      1. Type in the badge ID, excluding any leading zeroes. For example, if the badge ID is 000123456, then enter 123456
        Note that each badge ID must be unique and the maximum badge ID length is 17 digits.

      2. After typing in the number, the system will verify that the badge ID is not already in use. Select Add.

  4. Credential Expiration:
    1. Make sure this option is enabled in System Options.
    2. Under Scheduled Changes, select Add Expiration Date, and then enter the Date and Time for this credential to expire and become inactive. Select Add.
    3. To remove the expiration date, select remove button next to Expiration, and then select Done.
  5. Select Save to save the person's details.

Credential Actions

Selectactions menu on a saved credential to access these actions:

  • Edit Credential - Select to edit credential status, add an expiration date, or print a badge.
  • Print Credential - Select to print a badge credential.
  • Delete Credential - Select to delete a credential.

Related Topics

Add or edit a person

Issue a credential with administrator privileges

BlueDiamond mobile app

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