After the gateway is configured, LenelS2 nodes can be added.
- From the sidebar, select Devices.
- On the gateway to which the LenelS2 node will be added select and then choose Add a LenelS2 Node.
- On the Configuration screen, enter a Name for the node.
Choose either MicroNode Plus or Network Node (M1-3200) as the Device type.
When Duress PIN allows access is enabled, a special duress PIN signals to the system that the person attempting entry is in danger (they may be entering under threat). Entering a duress PIN will generate one of these events: "Access Granted - Entry Occurred - Duress PIN Used" or "Access Granted - No Entry Occurred - Duress PIN Used".
When Duress PIN allows access is not enabled, entering a duress PIN will generate the "Access Denied - Incorrect PIN" event.Duress PIN entry depends on PINs being required at the node's readers. See Configure node readers.
The duress PIN is the person's current PIN + 1. For example: If their PIN is 123456, the duress PIN would be 123457. If the last digit of their PIN is “9”, the duress digit needs to be “0”. For example: If their PIN is 123499, the duress PIN would be 123490.
- From Time zone, choose the time zone for the node's geographical location. Time zones are listed sequentially and are typically identified by region, then by the name of the largest city within the region.
- Enter the Device ID.
Select Save to save your changes. If you exit this screen after changes are made without saving, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes.
Synchronization is required after adding LenelS2 nodes to bring these devices online.
After being added, the LenelS2 node is displayed in the Devices tree.
- If the LenelS2 node is a MicroNode Plus, it is added with an onboard access control blade and two (2) configurable readers.
- If the LenelS2 node is a Network Node, you can add access blades with two (2) configurable readers each.
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