The access blades for either type of LenelS2 node device provide placeholders for two (2) readers. The access blade readers of the MicroNode Plus are onboard readers.

Changing the number of readers, regardless of their online or offline status, may affect the system operating costs. Contact your VAR for more information.

To configure these readers, perform the following steps:

  1. From the sidebar, select Devices to display the device tree.
  2. Select one of the reader placeholders to open its configuration screen.
  3. Enter a Name for the reader. This name is used when assigning card readers to spaces when monitoring alarms, and elsewhere in the system.
  4. Pair to a primary reader - Enable this option to pair this reader with a primary reader for controlling a single door as a primary-secondary set. If pairing is enabled, choose a Primary Reader on the same node that is not already a primary or secondary reader. See Paired node readers to learn more.
  5. Double card presentation schedule - Choose when double card presentation is allowed at this reader. Options include Never, Always, or during a scheduleWhen a valid, authorized badge is presented twice during an active schedule, the door mode will change from credential mode to unlocked, with the second presentation time being within five seconds of the first. See Node Double Card Presentation to learn more.

    In addition to configuring the reader, double card presentation must be authorized for people through People groups.

  6. Require PIN during schedule - Choose when a PIN is required when a card is presented. Options include Never, Always, or during a schedule. "Never" is the default setting and indicates that a PIN is not required. See PIN options to learn more.
    1. When a PIN is required (Always and on schedule), choose the type of Keypad this reader has:
      8-bit burst - For 8-bit output keypads, each time a key is pressed an 8-bit burst of data is sent that corresponds to the specific key.
      4-bit burst - For 4-bit output keypads, the keypad data is sent in 4-bit Wiegand key-bursts
  7. Configure Lock Settings to control the door strike.
    1. Unlock time (in seconds) - Specify the amount of time the lock or door strike is activated.
    2. Extended unlock time (in seconds) - Specify the amount of time the door strike is activated for people who have extended access times enabled.
    3. Normally Energize Output - Enable this option to specify a normally energized output relay. By default, this setting is disabled for output relays that are not normally energized. 

      Both normally-open circuit devices and normally-closed circuit devices are supported. See Wire outputs and Wire strikes or magnetic locks powered externally (Dry Contact) for 3-pin wiring.
      Refer to the output device manual to determine if the device is normally energized or normally not energized.

    4. Relock on open - Enable this option to deactivate the door strike when the door opens. Disable this option to deactivate the door strike when the door closes.
    5. Unlock on schedule - Enable this option to specify a schedule for the reader so its doors can be unlocked when the schedule is active. When the schedule is no longer active, the reader will return to the Credential mode. Note: Initiating set door mode will override any active schedule configured for the reader.
  8. Configure Door Contact settings for monitoring the door status:
    1. Shunt time (in seconds) - Specify the amount of time after authorized access that the door can be open before an alarm is generated.
    2. Extended shunt time (in seconds) - Specify the amount of time after authorized access that the door can be open before an alarm is generated for people who have extended access times enabled.
    3. Monitoring - Select the type of contact monitoring used based on how the hardware is wired. See Input supervision types.

      Each auxiliary input can be individually wired for either supervised or unsupervised activity. An unsupervised input is an unprotected, low security input. Someone can short-circuit the connection between the auxiliary input and the device controlled by the input, thereby defeating the circuit. Although the device may trigger an alarm condition in such a situation, the auxiliary input will not be aware of it. By contrast, a supervised input’s circuit is equipped with resistors. Subtle changes in the voltage on the circuit can be detected to determine whether someone has tampered with the wiring. For this reason, supervised inputs are high security.
    4. Alarm Delay - Enter the number of seconds to wait before the alarm is reported from the hardware.
    5. Armed on Schedule - Enable this option to arm inputs for a specified time ("Always", "Never", or on a schedule configured in the system). While armed, inputs are ready to receive changes in state (become activated) and generate alarms. While disarmed, inputs cannot be activated or report alarms.
    6. Activate output when door contact input is activated - When this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when the door contact activates and is armed. Available outputs include those configured on the same node as the door contact input.
    7. Assume door used - Enable this option to force all valid credentials to be reported immediately as “Access Granted - Entry Occurred” events even if the people do not open the door. If this option is not enabled, the “Access Granted - Entry Occurred” event will not reported until people open the door after presenting a valid credential. If the door is not used, the “Access Granted - No Entry Occurred” event will be reported.
  9. Configure REX (Request to Exit) settings. A REX contact is typically a button, motion sensor, or crash bar assembly located near the associated door. When the device is activated, a REX is sent to the system. 
    1. Monitoring - Select the type of REX contact monitoring used based on how the hardware is wired.
    2. REX activated by motion sensor - Enable this option if the REX is a motion sensor or disable if the REX is a manual switch, such as a push button or crash bar.

      When the REX is a motion sensor, alarm outputs are suppressed until until the motion stops and Shunt time expires. If the option is disabled, alarms will be reported once the Shunt time is expired, even if the REX button is still pressed.
    3. Unlock on REX - Enable this option to unlock the door strike when a REX occurs.
    4. Unlock on REX when open - Enable this option to unlock the door strike even when a REX occurs while the door is open or the strike is currently unlocked.
    5. Send REX events - Disabled by default for newly added readers. This specifies that the "Request to Exit" event will not be sent to reduce clutter in the event feed. This option can be enabled based on your preference.

      When Send REX events is disabled, email notifications will not be sent for the "Request to Exit" event.

    6. Alarm Delay - Enter the number of seconds to wait before the alarm is reported from the hardware.
    7. Armed on Schedule - Choose when (Always, Never, or on a schedule) to arm (activate) inputs to receive REX events. 
    8. Activate output when door REX input is activated - When this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when the REX input activates and the input is armed. Available outputs include those configured on the same node as the door REX input.
  10. Configure Automation settings to link alarm conditions to outputs:
    1. Activate Output on Extended Access - When this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when a credential with extended access time is granted access. Optionally, enter how many seconds the output will remain activated in Duration (up to 255 seconds).
    2. Activate Output on Access Granted - Entry OccurredWhen this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when people are granted access and open the door (entry occurs) or if Assume door used is enabledOptionally, enter how many seconds the output will remain activated in Duration (up to 255 seconds).
    3. Activate Output on Access DeniedWhen this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when access is deniedOptionally, enter how many seconds the output will remain activated in Duration (up to 255 seconds).
    4. Activate Output on Output on Door ForcedWhen this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when the door is forcedOptionally, enter how many seconds the output will remain activated in Duration (up to 255 seconds) or enable the Activate until alarm clears option.
    5. Activate Output on Output on Door HeldWhen this option is enabled, choose which Output will be activated when the door is held openOptionally, enter how many seconds the output will remain activated in Duration (up to 255 seconds) or enable the Activate until alarm clears option.

  11. Select Save to save your changes. If you exit this screen after changes are made without saving, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes.

Related Topics

Connect readers, inputs, and outputs

Connect and power door hardware

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