Text fields can be created to enter additional information for people. Custom fields may be used for searching. Up to 20 fields may be added.

Only administrators and operators can manage custom fields. See Roles for more information.

  1. Select Customize.
    1. Select Add Field.
    2. Enter the field display name. The display name is limited to 500 characters.
    3. Enter the field identifier. The field identifier:
      • must be unique.
      • may only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters.
      • is case-sensitive.
      • is limited to 50 characters.
    4. Select Required if the field must be filled in. Required fields must be completed to save the person's information.
    5. If the fields need to be reordered, use the arrows to move a field up or down.
    6. Select remove button to delete a custom field. Confirm the deletion.
      • When a custom field is deleted, all the data that the field contains is also deleted.
  2. Select Save.

 Custom fields are for specifying additional information about people; however, sensitive data should not be collected or stored. For more information, refer to the LenelS2 Privacy Notice and Data Privacy.

Training video: Custom Person Fields

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Add or edit a person

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