Automations are ways to execute actions when specific events occur.

Administrator permissions are required to manage automations. See Roles.

  1. From the sidebar, select Automations.
  2. Select Add Automation to configure a new automation, or select an automation to edit it.
    Optionally, create an automation based on an existing one by selecting actions menu and then Duplicate.

  3. On the New Automation screen, enter a descriptive Name.
  4. By default, the automation is Active. Select the toggle to turn it off and change the automation to be inactive. While inactive, conditions are ignored and actions cannot be executed.
  5. Under Triggers,

    1. Select Add a Trigger or select a trigger to edit it. Configure the condition that must present for an action to be executed.

      • Hardware or System Event - When selecting a hardware or system event, select the Event Options:
        1. Event Type - This field appears with Select Event Type. To specify an event type, start typing in the field to search for the event. Select the check box to choose the event. Multiple event types can be selected so that this trigger complies with the conditions when any of the selected events occur.
        2. Severity - This field appears with Select Severity. Select the check box to choose the event severity. Multiple event severities can be selected so that this trigger complies with the conditions when any events occur with the selected severity.
        3. Any Event (No Filter) - Select this option to use other filters.
          • People - To filter by people, select this option. Then select the people on the Filter People screen. Select Done. This filter complies with the conditions when any of the selected people are associated with the event.
          • Spaces - To filter by spaces, select this option. Then select the spaces on the Filter Spaces screen. Select Done. This filter complies with the conditions when any of the selected spaces are associated with the event.
          • Devices - To filter by a device, select this option. Then select the device on the Filter Devices screen. Select Done. This filter complies with the conditions when any of the selected devices are associated with the event.

          • Schedules - To filter by a schedule, select this option. Then select a schedule. Select Done. The schedule will be converted to the time zone configured in the System Access.

          • When using multiple filter types, all conditions must be true for the event to trigger an action.
        4. Select Save.
      • Execute from Dashboard -This option allows the configured action to be added to the Actions list on the dashboard.
        1. Require confirmation - Select this toggle to turn it on and require confirmation when an action it executed from the Actions list on the dashboard.
    2. If the automation should not apply to delayed events, select Ignore if event is delayed.
      A delayed event has a difference between the time the event actually occurred and the time it was reported (greater than 60 seconds).
  6. Under Actions, configure the actions that will execute when the conditions configured for the trigger are met.
    1. Select Add an Action or select an action to edit it. Configure the action to be executed when conditions of the trigger are met.
    2. Select the Action Type:
      • Execute Controller Rule - Select a controller rule to be executed as an action.
      • Start Lockdown - Select a lockdown profile to start a lockdown for this action.
      • End Lockdown - Select a lockdown profile to end a lockdown for this action.
      • Execute Custom Webhook - Select this option to create a custom webhook and execute it as an action.
        1. Enter a descriptive Name for the webhook.
        2. Enter the Webhook URL obtained from the receiving application.
        3. Select the HTTP Method to define the action being performed.
        4. Select the Content Type of the request body.
        5. Under Request Body, enter the content of the webhook. Select full-screen mode icon to use the editor in full-screen mode. Exit the full-screen editor to return to the Custom Webhook screen and save.

Menu Options

Select actions menu on the automation to access these actions:

  • View Details- Select to view or edit the automation details including triggers and actions.
  • Execute Actions - Select to manually execute the actions configured for the automation.
  • Duplicate - Select to make a copy of the automation.
  • Delete - Select to remove the automation.

Training video: Automations

Related Topics

Controller rules

Lockdown profiles

Start or end a lockdown

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