The ability to view, create, modify, and delete rules is controlled by the manage devices permission. 

The ability to view rules and execute actions manually is controlled by the monitor permission. See Roles for more information.

Use controller rules to automatically* execute these actions when specific events occur:

  • Temporarily unlock multiple doors
  • Change the mode of multiple readers to pre-configured modes simultaneously
  • Activate or deactivate inputs and outputs
  • Mask or unmask input event reporting

* Actions can also be executed manually if allowed by the rule.

The Controller Rules screen displays the list rules in the system. 

A rule applies to a specific controller, its devices, and events (including events downstream from the controller). Up to 20 rules can be configured for a controller.

Rules are composed of conditions and actions. Conditions specify events that must occur for one or more actions to execute.

Up to five (5) conditions and five (5) actions can be configured for a rule.

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